Clean text jokes
Clean text jokes

clean text jokes

A plateau is the highest form of flattery. A Woman Shoots Her Husband For Stepping On The Clean Floor The Key To A Good Marriage A Real Gut-Buster Modelled On Confusion Wearing Husband Goggles Why. I will never forget some of these, and you better believe my friends are hearing them. This meant the mother-in-law would have a house twice as big, and started complaining about how she would have to clean such a large house, and the taxes would be expensive.įor the man's final wish, he wished to be beaten half to death. This is what happens when thousands of people come together and share their funniest short jokes. She starts complaining, "Thanks a lot, now I'll have to manage all this money, why do you have to be so selfish?!" The next wish was for a large house, and that wish was granted. 1 million dollars was added to the man's banking account, and 2 million to the mother-in-law's. "I would like 1 million dollars," the man said. What is white when its dirty and black when its clean A blackboard. The genie told the man he could make 3 wishes, but when he saw the mother-in-law, said whatever the man got, the mother-in-law would get double. He picked it up, wondering what it was, when a genie popped out.

clean text jokes clean text jokes

She was complaining about how much of a good-for-nothing husband he was to her daughter, when he saw a bottle on the ground. A man was walking along the beach with his mother-in-law.

Clean text jokes